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Terms and Policies
30 days cancellation notice required on all contracts or client pays 50% of contract.
50% of fees due at contract signing for speaking or training workshops
Final invoices for speaking or training workshops due prior to, or day of event
Accommodation, meals, airfare, and car rental expenses must be covered in full by client.
Airfare is business class.
Automobile travel is @ Michigan State Mileage Allowance
Consulting or Coaching
Fees for coaching or individual consulting sessions must be fully paid in advance.
Custom packages paid per contract terms disclosed in written proposal.
Please contact us if you have questions regarding these terms/policies.
IPV Consulting will uphold confidentiality for all conversations, information or materials provided by client.
IPV will sign a non-disclosure agreement for anyone who requires such.
Complimentary Initial Consultation Predetermined hourly rate for all specialized or extended services Package Rates also available based on length of contract and services required, contact us for a quote.